Apex Monitoring Authority
Government of India constituted Apex Authority in August 2007 and re-constituted it in December 2016 with Finance Minister as Chairperson, Minister-in-charge, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Minister of Railways, Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Vice-Chairman (NITI Aayog) and Chief Ministers of all NIC States as Members.
NICDIT (formerly DMIC Trust)
After the inception of Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) in 2007, a trust fund was set up in the name of DMIC Trust fund to carry out the project development and implementation activities. Further, in December 2016, the mandate of DMIC Trust was expanded to include other industrial corridors across India, and the DMIC Trust was renamed as National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation Trust (NICDIT).
NICDC (formerly DMICDC)
A Special Purpose Vehicle, Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (DMICDC), incorporated on 7th January, 2008, as the project development agency for DMIC and knowledge partner for DMIC Trust. Further, after expansion of mandate for DMIC Trust in December 2016 and its reconstitution as NICDIT, the DMICDC has also been renamed as National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation Limited (NICDC) in February, 2020.
Date of Incorporation: 7th January 2008 Chairman, NICDC
Shri Amardeep Singh Bhatia, IAS
Department for Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT)
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Government of India
State Level Nodal Agencies
Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO)
State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand Ltd. (SIIDCUL)
www.siidcul.comSpecial Purpose Companies
The institutional structure approved by Government of India for developing and implementing various industrial corridor projects is as under:
Special Purpose Companies would be established for project implementation, operation, maintenance and management of such facilities.