DMIC Vikram Udyogpuri Ltd is a joint venture company incorporated between Government of India represented by NICDIT and State Govt. represented by MP Trade and Investment Facilitation Corporation Ltd (MPTRIFAC). State Government has transferred 1100 acres of land to the SPV.
The site is located about 14 km from Ujjain and 18 km from Dewas.On the Dewas-Ujjain Road near Narwar Village in Ujjain district and has a total are of 443.79 Ha.
Thrust Sectors
Auto and Auto Components
Technical Textiles
Agro and Food Processing
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device
Industry 4.0 Manufacturing
Green Energy (Solar and Wind)
Electric Vehicles and Components
Logistics & Warehousing
Aerospace & Defence
It is planned in away that the Industrial Area or processing area comprises 46% of the overall development area and restis supplemented by residential and utilities zones. The DMIC Vikram Udyogpuri Township will consist of industrial, manufacturing, residential, commercial, public/semi-public holdings, educational institutes like medical colleges, engineering colleges, industrial training institutes (ITI), automotive and auto components,IT and Engineering services industries.
Contact Details:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone No.: +91 9826050599
Website: https://vikramudyogpuriujjain.com/